TDP network dentists who treat National Guard/Reserve service members are required to complete the Department of Defense Form 2813, Active Duty/Reserve Forces Dental Examination, when requested by the service member. Additionally, completion of the form is considered to be part of the examination service, and therefore is not a separately billable item.
This form is used to determine dental readiness as it relates to a National Guard/Reserve member's worldwide deployment status. It answers the question: "Is this National Guard/Reserve member dentally ready to deploy for worldwide duty?" Specifically, Block 6 of the form requests the provider select from a series of three options. Selection of either option 1 or 2 signifies that the member is qualified for worldwide deployment. Selection of option 3 denotes that the member is not qualified for worldwide deployment until the dental condition(s) selected are resolved.
National Guard/Reserve members are required by the Department of Defense to be qualified for worldwide deployment. Failure to attain deployment capability can potentially adversely affect the service member's career.
When asked, TDP network dentists can help the National Guard/Reserve member by filling out the form immediately after the examination and providing it to the member. Additionally, dentists can also assist by informing the member of exactly what treatment, if any, is needed to attain deployment capability.
United Concordia thanks you, the TDP dentist, for supporting National Guard/Reserve members in addition to military families. Your service is critical in attaining and maintaining deployment capability as well as providing much needed care to military families.